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Bulletin #11 May 26

Bulletin #11

May 26, 2021

Messages from IPA Canada Board of Directors;

1/ “We regret to have to announce that the Board Secretary, Murray Clark has resigned from his position as a member of the Board of Directors. He will be sorely missed.”

2/ “The Annual General Meeting of members of IPA-Canada was scheduled to be held on June 27th, 2021, and due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, the AGM was to be held as a virtual meeting. However, in speaking to Corporations Canada and after reviewing the current IPA Bylaws, the Board realized that there are no provisions in the current Bylaws to allow a virtual meeting as it is required that, “Virtual meetings must specifically be in the corporation’s by-laws”. In light of the aforementioned, a resolution was presented to re-schedule the Annual General Meeting for the Fall of 2021 and this resolution was unanimously adopted by the members of the Board. With the on-going vaccination efforts underway in Canada, there is a good chance that some members would be able to attend in person at that time. This would also provide an opportunity for the Board to update the bylaws to allow for virtual meetings in the future - and give even more members access and input to the AGM discussions and decisions. We believe that we will be in a better position to present all the Directives and amendments that have made to the Bylaws for confirmation by the membership at that time.”

3/ Board of Director’s meeting minutes are posted on our website at .

From the National President


1/ In view of the above resignation of a Director and per IPA Canada bylaws an election will be held. We are calling for applications from the membership to fulfil this role. The Duties and Responsibilities of a Director are laid out in Directive #3 and can be found here Applications need to be made on the 2021 Election form that can be found at , choose the Director Application form.

The Director Cognito application form with accompanying documents is required to be submitted by Friday, June 11, 2021 at 18:00 hours Atlantic.

2/ 2021 is an election year for the National Executive Bureau (NEB) the current NEB is nearing the limit of their 3 year term. The NEB positions this election includes are the National President, Secretary General, Treasurer, as well as the Chairs of the Social and Cultural, Membership and Communications committees. Normally the election would be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, however the Board has decided to move the date of the AGM from May to an unspecified date in the fall.

The Duties and responsibilities of NEB positions are laid out in Directive #3 and can be found at At this time we are calling for applications from the membership to fulfil these roles. Applications need to be made on the form that can be found at , choose the NEB Application form.

You may apply for more than one position, at the close of the application period the Returning Officer will contact you and you must choose the (1) one position for which you wish to stand for election.

The NEB Cognito application form with accompanying documents is required to be submitted by Friday, June 11, 2021 at 18:00 hours EDT.

The election for a Director and the NEB will be run concurrently. These positions will be elected by the membership in good standing via electronic vote. Ballots will be sent out via email by Simply Voting on Monday, June 14 and the election will close on Saturday June 26 at 18:00 Atlantic.

The Board has appointed Director Wells as the Returning Officer and President Barratt as his assistant pursuant to our Bylaws.

This is an opportunity for members to get involved in the running of IPA Canada, widen your horizon and learn more about our organization, put your experience to work for the good of our members!

International Newsletter;

May’s issue of the International IPA Newsletter can be found here:

Travel Opportunities;

IPA Germany motorcycle tour will take place in Oberhof, from 20-22 August 2021. The event was originally scheduled for an earlier date, but was unfortunately postponed. New details are found here:

IPA Spain - Catalonia region, please find attached an invitation to their upcoming V Trans-Pyrenean Motorcycle Tour, which will take place from 1 – 5 October 2021. Details found here:

IPA Austria, an invitation to their upcoming Wanderwoche / Hiking Week, which is due to take place from 5 – 12 September 2021. This event was previously scheduled for June 2021, but has been postponed due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. Details found here:

Educational Opportunities;

IPA Section UK London North Branch are pleased to announce the second of a series of online webinars shining a spotlight on policing from around the world.

The series will give IPA members a chance to learn about policing in other countries from those who work there.

The second webinar will be at 19:00 GMT on Tuesday 15th June 2021.

The second session will focus on policing in Germany, with several short inputs from German officers (in English) followed by a Q&A session.

If you are interested in attending this event, please email Martin Turner of IPA UK at

Request for Assistance;

IPA Spain, Granada Section is asking for assistance for a son of one of their members. One of the benefits of the IPA is not only peace of mind when you are travelling that there are friends available to help you when you are abroad, but that in some cases that sense of security can be extended to family members. The son of a member of the IPA Granada, Spain has been accepted to attend the University of Toronto, St. George Campus for the fall semester and requires housing within easy access to the campus. The student, Gonzalo Lomas, needs accommodation from September 1 - December 31, 2021. I will be acting as the emergency contact for him. If you have a room to rent or can recommend a friend that has a room to rent to Gonzalo with easy access to the University please contact me at

In friendship Chris

Chris Barratt

IPA Canada, National President

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