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On behalf of the IPA’s Socio-Cultural Commission, please see the following announcement:


The 1st IPA International Children's Painting Competition has been successfully completed.


During the Covid-19 quarantine period, children of IPA members from all over the world had the opportunity to spend their time creatively, producing remarkable pieces of art, which surprised even the experienced professional judges, who were extremely impressed with the participants’ talent.


Participants could send up to two entries, to the following categories: Police at work, Police and animals, and Children of the world. The competition features 3 winners from each category, with one overall winner. A total of 9 IPA Sections participated.


On behalf of the Socio-Cultural Commission, we are pleased to present the winners as follows:


Overall competition winner:

A.M.K. Himidiri Madanali Samaranayaka – IPA Sri Lanka


Police at Work:

1.            W.A. Vihas Methsilu Lehasna Weerasena – IPA Sri Lanka

2.            Vaia Eyaggelia Gousia – IPA Greece

3.            Mario Barišić – IPA Croatia


Police and Animals:

1.            A.M.K. Himidiri Madanali Samaranayaka – IPA Sri Lanka

2.            Tudor Ioan Georgescu – IPA Romania

3.            Elisabetta Durigon – IPA Italy


Children of the World:

1.            R.M. Imandi Dewmini Rathnayaka – IPA Sri Lanka

2.            Ivon Aleksandrova Mitova – IPA Bulgaria

3.            Omer Regev – IPA Israel


IPA Sections are welcome to download the paintings for promotional use if they wish. They can be individually downloaded by right-clicking and ‘saving’ from our international website at:


Kind regards,




Copyright © 2022 - International Police Association - Section Canada

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