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Join the IPA today!


NOTE: This application form is for Canadian citizens only. If you are eligible for membership and live outside of Canada, in a country that does not currently have an active IPA Section, please forward your email inquiry to the following address





This translates into "Service through Friendship" and is often abbreviated as "SpA".


The International Police Association is an independent body made up of members of the police service, whether on active duty or retired, and without distinction as to rank, gender, race, colour, language or religion. Its purpose is to create bonds of friendship and to promote international cooperation. It is committed to the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948



IPA Canada undertakes to:

  • Unite all serving and retired members of the police service, with the view to establishing ties of friendship and mutual aid among them. 

  • Organize exchange holidays, like-minded friendships and group visits with IPA Sections from around the world

  • To promote respect for the law and the maintenance of order among members of police services in all member countries

  • Engage in social, cultural, sporting and educational activities in support of these aims. 


Ordinary Membership 

Shall be open to any:

  • serving  police officer *

  • any retired or former police officer who has served for a minimum period of five (5) years, and has left that employment in good standing. This shall include a “Special Constable or equivalent” who qualified for membership and who served in that capacity for a minimum of five (5) years.

  • any officer with the designation “Special Constable or equivalent” provided he/she is in the full time employ of a service, department or force whose functions are the prevention of crime and the enforcement of municipal, provincial or federal law as well as maintaining law and order for a minimum of five (5) years. The responsibilities of said special constable must be consistent with those of a police officer. This appendix excludes those special constables whose main duties are clerical or administrative.

  • any full-time police cadet who is sworn as a "Peace Officer" as defined in Section 2 of the Criminal Code (R.S.C. 1970 Chapter C-34 or as further amended) and is employed by a police service.

  • any serving Auxiliary Police Officer, Reserve Constable or Military Police Reservist..

  • any former Auxiliary Police Officer, Reserve Constable or Military Police Reservist who has served a minimum of five years and has left the police service in good standing.

  • members of a Provincial Sheriff’s Service will not be eligible for membership unless their specific duties are consistent with those of a police officer.

  • full time civilian employees of a police service ** who have completed five (5) years of service and who work directly with front line officers receiving and/or dispatching calls for service or on the scene of crimes / forensic investigations.

  • retired or former full time civilian employees of a police service who work directly with front line officers receiving and/or dispatching calls for service or on the scene of crimes / forensic investigations and left that employment in good standing with a minimum of 5 years of service. 


*     “police officer” for the sole purpose of determining membership eligibility means, a sworn peace officer whose primary functions are the prevention of crime, enforcement of municipal, provincial or federal law and the preservation and maintenance of public peace. 


**   "Police Service"  means, a branch, service, department or force whose functions are the prevention of crime and the enforcement of municipal, provincial or federal law, together with the preservation of peace and maintenance of good order. 


All applications for membership are subject to approval. 




Annual membership to IPA Canada is $35.00. Membership dues received throughout the year for new members will cover the year in which membership is approved.


International Police Association

Application Form/Formule d'adhésion


Copyright © 2022 - International Police Association - Section Canada

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